Embrace Boredom and Feel Great. (huh?)

The Sukha Company
4 min readDec 14, 2023

Life presents us with boredom, frustration and the pain of anxious anticipation.

Awful stuff, right?

But what if these negative states of mind can be flipped to be awesome opportunities for us? Too crazy to contemplate? Let’s dive into how embracing these emotions can lead to positive advantages, guided by a great new book from Andreas Elpidorou: Propelled.

Boredom: A Catalyst for Creativity

Boredom is often viewed as a dull and unproductive state, but it can be a breeding ground for creativity. When our minds are not occupied, they tend to wander, exploring new ideas and perspectives. Embrace boredom as a chance to tap into your creative reservoir, allowing fresh and innovative thoughts to emerge. It’s true that research (including that by Erin Westgate at the University of Florida) shows boredom is actually a regulatory emotion similar to pain, but when you decide to view it as a signal from The Universe that you’re not engaged…then it can become a helpful reminder telling you it’s time to send your brain down a new path.

Shane Bench and Texas A&M’s Heather Lench discuss boredom in a paper published in the journal Behavioral Sciences in 2013 — detailing the restlessness of boredom that motivates us to pursue different and potentially more rewarding activities. They even posit that perhaps boredom’s physical characteristics -yawning, sighing, slouching — may have arisen to telegraph our dissatisfaction to others in the hopes they will help us.

Let your reaction to boredom be joy. Boredom is a gift that reminds you and motivates you to move towards your goals and not stagnate. Embrace those moments of boredom to let your creative mind run off-leash and bring you the thoughts you wouldn’t have if you were hyper-focused on one thing right by your doggie-bowl (how’s THAT for extending the metaphor?).

Frustration: Fuel for Perseverance

Frustration may feel like an unwelcome companion, but it carries the potential to fuel perseverance. When faced with a challenge, the tension created by frustration can serve as a motivating force, pushing you to find alternative solutions and overcome obstacles. Embrace frustration as a signal that you are on the verge of a breakthrough.

If things were easy and you were just staring at a series of wins like in some motivational poster of marathon runners at sunrise with some trite inspirational quote superimposed over their chests…would that really motivate you? Or would staring at treacherous Mount Doom and knowing you had the One Ring that must be destroyed motivate you? Do you want to rise to greatness or just have easy victories?

The next time you are frustrated, ask yourself, “do I accept this situation telling me ‘no’?” Enjoy your dark moment of the soul and then rise up to overcome all.

Anticipation: A Driver for Productivity

While anxious anticipation is often associated with restlessness, it can be a powerful driver for productivity. The desire for swift results pushes you to streamline processes, seek efficiency, and set realistic goals. Embrace anticipation as a catalyst for action, propelling you toward achieving your objectives with a sense of urgency.

Embrace anticipation because it is only possible when you have something to look forward to. And trust me — the opposite is a great recipe for depression and who wants that?

To Wrap Up…

The basic technique with all three of these situations, and I’m stealing from jiu-jitsu here…

…is that by stealing the energy of our opponents — boredom, frustration, anticipation — we flip them on their heads and make them work FOR us, not AGAINST us. The key lies in shifting our perspectives on these seemingly negative emotions. Instead of resisting boredom, frustration, and anticipation, view them as signals guiding us toward untapped potential and growth. By reframing these emotions, we can harness their positive advantages and turn challenges into opportunities.

In conclusion, maybe this sounds crazy…but what if you did embrace these emotions as allies on your journey, recognizing their positive advantages in fostering creativity, perseverance and productivity. By shifting your perspective, you unlock your potential for personal growth and transform what might seem like obstacles into stepping stones toward your goals.

If you have thoughts, I’d love to hear them. Steven@TheSukha.co. DM’s are open.

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